Wednesday, February 21, 2007


There are a few new Supreme Court decisions that will be of interest to the inmate population. The first one deals with 1983 lawsuits. The court decided in WALLACE V. KATO that the citizen who was arrested in violation of the Fourth Amendment in 1994 had to bring his suit within two years of that date, not from the time the state dismissed the charges against him in 2002. This case is a narrowing of the application of HECK
V. HUMPHREY and will open the door for 1983 suits by prisoners who may have had Fourth Amendment violations in their case that did not lead to a dismissal of the charges.
While it is obvious that the state friendly Supreme Court was making this ruling to help the state it will have the ultimate effect of screwing the states in the long run. If you know anyone in prison, or currently being prosecuted, please let them know about this new case.
You can see all the new court decisions by clicking the link to CORNELL LAW on the right side of this blog.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


It is important that everyone in this country do their part to help assure that the criminal law offenders in this country get rehabilitated. The inmates in the many facilities are someones son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, mother or father. God does not make trash so I know that the majority of these people are save-
able. It takes a lot of love and commitment to make changes, especially to those who have traveled so far down the wrong road already.
Please get involved in the C.O.G.E.N.T. PROGRAM. There is a link to their page right here on this blog and we encourage you to check them out. They are trying to get as many people involved with the program as possible so please contact them with your information if you are able to help their cause. It is being started in Kansas but the objective is to get it national as quickly as possible. Take the time to get involved.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Prisoners and porn

There are some Kansas inmates who are suing to regain their right to possess pornographic material per
their First Amendment right. The Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) argues that they want to rid the system of sexually explicit material because the guards don't like having to inspect it and it interferes with the rehabilitation of sex offenders. The matter is to go to trial this summer in the federal district court in Kansas.
Curiously, I would think that KDOC would want sexually explicit material to be readily available in the prisons so they can know if their sex offenders are abiding by the treatment program rules that prohibit them from possessing the materials. Do they want to find out that the sex offender is not abiding by the rule, hence their treatment is not working, while the offender is still in the system or when they get out and are walking by the local grade-school? sometimes I wonder what the politicians are really thinking about.
Other than that, they should simply respect every citizens constitutional rights, even those who are incar-
cerated at the time. If they start disrespecting the rights of the incarcerated citizens how long will it be before they branch out and step on everyone elses??????